CFA Institute Research Challenge
A team of five students will be selected to enter the CFA Institute Research Challenge, representing both the club and the Dhillon School of Business. Entrants will be assigned a company to analyze and, upon attending a conference call with said company’s CFO, will have to to write an analytical report due February 4, 2022, that projects the price of the company within one year. The report includes two main components: valuation and risk. They will then do an oral presentation at the local level competition that takes place February 25-26, 2022. The reports/presentations will then be judged and the winning school will move onto the regional competition. The competition continues with this structure all the way up to the global final. The CFA Research Institute Challenge offers a great opportunity for students to put there analytical skills to the test, network with CFA’s, fellow students and get feedback form industry professionals. The U of L is actively looking for passionate and curious students to participate in the 2022 competition, so if this competition sounds like it is for you, please email with your resume and a letter of intent. Registration for the event will take place in mid-October of 2021, so make sure to get your resume and letter of intent by October 5, 2021. If you have any questions about the competition or how to participate, please contact Also, you can learn more about the CFA Institute and the CFA Institute Research Challenge on the following links: